Revealed: the 14 ‘Easter eggs’ hidden in the new £20 note
When a £20 note is dispensed from a cash machine many people will place it straight into their wallet or purse without a second glance. Yet the newest addition to Britain’s banknote collection contains a plethora of hidden features that only the eagle-eyed would be able to spot.The new £20 note, featuring the artist JMW Turner, is released into circulation on February 20. The Bank of England saysthe note is its most advanced ever, with several security and design features which make it difficult to counterfeit.Some, such as the two clear “windows” on the note, are easy to see at first sight, but others secret features are less obvious to the naked eye.Debbie Marriott, chief designer of the banknote, said her team had linked many of the note’s security features to Turner, but had also added several other ‘Easter eggs’ for fans of the painter to discover.“With the security features, we try to reference the character as much as we can to make it more interesting,” she said. “The more peop...