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Good Question Regarding Tax Cuts for the Wealthy


Somebody asked this question on social media-

Pick one whose benefits you can chisel down or who could move in with you for 24/7 care. You’ll need to stock up on Depends disposables and grab bars in the bathroom. Should we have a louder voice in this or do we leave it to a pack of red-state Bible-belt slicksters? Looks we just blew our chance.

Abstract ideas about tax cutting for large companies and claw back of benefits all need to be personalized. Who exactly are the princely congressional GOP elites trying to impress by their talk of cutting or eliminating the social safety net? Each other? The mandarins at the various conservative think tanks? The talking heads at Fox News? The MAGA-folk just getting by? It would appear that the House and the Senate are just runways for the preening members to catwalk for validation.

Why, yes. I am indeed being snarky. And why not?