News in English

I’m facing the sack after getting caught stealing and can’t face disciplinary meeting


DEAR DEIDRE: I HAVE been told to attend a disciplinary meeting at work and I just know they have caught me stealing.

I feel ill at the thought of going as I’m sure I will be sacked. There is no way I’m going to turn up.

I’m a man of 26 and I work in a supermarket. It’s not my dream job, but it pays some of the bills.

When the pandemic started, our shifts were cut because the shop was on reduced hours. I started scanning my groceries like all the staff do, but taking the odd thing here and there.

I then started taking bags of groceries among the ones I would pay for.

There are cameras on the self-service checkouts and, although I was careful, I knew I would be caught out at some stage.

Now I have been instructed to attend a meeting next week, with no explanation.

Until then, I am suspended on full pay. I know they will have caught me and I can’t face my colleagues if I go back into work.

They are nice people and I don’t want them thinking badly of me.



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DEIDRE SAYS: It’s a natural urge to run for the hills when things become challenging, but by skipping this meeting, you are very likely to end up in a worse situation. It would be better to go and show your remorse.

Your bosses may be more lenient with you if you can demonstrate that your bills are bigger than your salary.

In these scenarios, it can be hard to think straight, so have a prepared statement setting out everything you want to say.

Ahead of your meeting, talk to Acas, which gives independent, non-judgmental advice on workplace issues (0300 123 1100,

Vow that in your next role, you will be honest. My support pack, Help For Job Hunters, will encourage you to update your CV and find something new.

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