I’m an American in the UK & here are 10 things that would put Brits in a coma about how Christmas is usually done
AN American who moved to the UK has opened up about things that would “put Brits in a coma” about how Christmas is done across the pond.
The woman, who posts under @anamericaninlondon, said she had witnessed the stark differences in how Brits and Yanks celebrate the festive period.
First up was how Boxing Day isn’t widely recognised in America.
She wrote: “Not only is this not a national holiday, it is not even heard of in the USA.
“We don’t celebrate it at all.
“You are expected back at work the day after Christmas.”
She added that while some British firms give their staff the time off between Christmas and New Year, American people typically work that period.
British food shocks
Her next shock was with Christmas food in the UK.
Second on the list was how Americans typically avoid eating turkey at Christmas.
She explained that most people eat it for Thanksgiving so it “wouldn’t make sense” to do it again.
Instead, meats such as ham are preferred on December 25.
The woman said that in America they typically eat yule log for dessert and don’t eat Christmas pudding – and she finds mince pies “gross.”
Timings for the big day also differ in America, she claims, with the main Christmas meal taking place between 6.30pm and 8.30pm.
She said she was surprised that British people often like to consume this between 1pm and 3pm.
The woman said she finds the schedule in the UK “wild”, as many people will then be hungry by 10pm.
Festive surprises
The next big difference is pantomimes are not a big thing in the states, according to the woman.
She added: “I had no freaking clue what a pantomime was until I came to the UK.
“Apparently everyone goes to them in the UK and it’s a family-friendly play where they tell
children’s stories???
“Honestly still lost on this one. Maybe there are “Nativity” plays in the USA but tbh there is nothing like this in the USA.”
She was also baffled that Brits often don’t get a white Christmas, especially in London.
Things about Christmas in the USA that would put British people in a coma
AMERICAN TikTok user @anamericaninlondon shared their list online...
1. Boxing Day doesn’t exist
2. We don’t eat turkey for our Christmas dinner
3. We don’t have “Pantomimes”
4. We usually have a white christmas (in CO)
5. We eat Yule Logs not Christmas puddings or mince pies
6. We oull Christmas crackers ourselves
7. Our Christmas cards look very different to UK ones
8. We don’t listen to the equivalent of The King’s Speech
9. Dinner in the USA is at a normal time
10. Americans work between Christmas and New Year
Back home, she explained, she gets one every year and just has to head to the mountains to find some snow.
She was also confused when Brits in her office asked her to help pull their crackers, as this is usually done solo where she is from.
Another big change she has noticed is with Christmas cards.
While British people buy a pack of cards with a design on the front, in America people usually send one with a photo of themselves as the focal point.
The TikToker was also amused by Brits sitting down to watch the King’s Speech on December 25.
She added: “Goes without saying that in the USA no one sits around their television or radio listening to the President giving their Christmas message.
“I don’t even know if they release a Christmas message.”
Many Brits were entertained by her list, but were quick to take the comments.
One said: “The mid afternoon Christmas dinner is smart, it means you haven’t been eating everything in sight all day to be too full for dinner. Instead you can graze all evening, cheese boards, desserts!”
Another added: “We basically all eat yule logs in the UK too though.”
A third commented: “Boxing Day is so much less stress!! No cooking just eating leftovers and picky bits, kids have toys, family start to go home, it’s the best day of rest in the year!”