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10 countries with lowest IQ in 2024 — Report - Businessday NG

The distribution of intelligence among populations is complex, influenced by factors like education, socio-economic status, nutrition, and genetics. Despite criticisms of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) scores for their cultural biases, they remain a measure of cognitive ability.Data pandas analysed these scores objectively, without implying any superiority or inferiority. Understanding the cognitive landscape of countries offers insights into their education systems, socio-economic conditions, and cultural values, challenging assumptions and providing a fresh perspective.The world’s average IQ is 82.12, and here are the top 10 countries with the lowest IQ, listed in descending orderNepal — Average IQ: 42.99Nepal ranks at the bottom of the list with an average IQ score of 42.99. Despite its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes, Nepal faces significant challenges in providing adequate education and healthcare to its population, particularly in remote rural areas. Limited access to...