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Only three words – bullish, selective, and diversified. 5 mid-cap stocks from different sectors with an upside potential of up to 32%

As the market recovers from a phase of volatility, investors with high exposure to mid-cap stocks will face the same old dilemma. Should I sell? Should I buy more? The first question arises because your portfolio would have seen a big decline in October-November. So, as the market recovers, the first instinct is to suspect the rally – and also to protect gains. Now to question two: In the past 10 years, every time a correction has taken place, the recovery phase has taken the Nifty and broader market to higher levels. So, there are investors who have taken a risk at the time of recovery and have gained significantly. Now, beyond all this, a key point: Before you decide to buy or sell, be clear about what you are buying/selling – and why.