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Get Mobile Alerts for Website News

As we enter winter weather, there’s always a possibility of inclement weather schedule changes.  Not only do we send everything out on all our social networks and e-mail, you can also get mobile alerts of any new news from our website by subscribing to our website notifications.
How to do get Mobile Notifications:

Do you have an Android phone?
Follow the link below under MOBILE NOTIFICATIONS OR
Receive notifications by visiting our website on your android phone ( and select “Allow” in the notifications prompt at the bottom of the screen.

Do you have an Iphone?
Visit our website on your browser on a mobile Apple device on 16.4+.
Click on the Share button of your browser on a mobile device.
Click on the Add to home screen option.
Save the app on your device.
Open the app from the home screen.
Subscribe to notifications (you must click a subscribe button before a native permission prompt can be displayed).
The native permission prompt should be triggered when the subscribe button is clicked.