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YouTube Gold: Wilt Chamberlain vs. Jim Brown

Wilt Chamberlain may have been the highest jumping and fastest running seven footer of all time.

A legend proved true?

There were some amazing stories about Wilt Chamberlain.

No, not those stories. We meant the athletic stories. No...not those athletic stories. Anyway...

Most of the mythical stories about Chamberlain involve basketball, but not all. For instance, we linked to a clip recently of Wilt Chamberlain and Muhammad Ali as they entertained the possibility of a boxing match. People actually took it somewhat seriously. That’s just how Chamberlain was (not to mention Ali).

But Chamberlain had other talents. In college, he was a champion high jumper helped, no doubt, by his 50” vertical. He also competed on the rings while he was at Kansas and, we think the shot put.

But he was also as strong as anyone. He amazed Arnold Schwarzenegger when they lifted weights together. Chamberlain reportedly bench pressed 650 lbs, which is pretty staggering.

But he also had sprinter speed, as this video discusses, and football legend Jim Brown wanted to put him to the test. You can decide for yourself who won.

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