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Utterly Embarrassing: This Man Just Clogged His Date’s Toilet With A Bunch Of Rare Nickels And Dimes


Well, you’re not going to want to read this story unless you’re ready to cringe hard: This man just embarrassed the hell out of himself by clogging his date’s toilet with a bunch of rare nickels and dimes. 

Oof. Yeah, you wouldn’t want to be this guy right now. 

When 29-year-old music promoter Shaka Forrester was invited back to his date’s apartment after a meal of spicy Indian food, he was on top of the world. He’d been seeing 32-year-old pet groomer Marissa Colton for a few months, and he was excited to take their relationship to the next level. But when he asked to use the only bathroom in her small apartment just as they’d begun making out, the unthinkable happened: He clogged her toilet with all of his rare nickels and dimes, and there isn’t a plunger anywhere in sight. 

With over $20,000 worth of rare coins jammed in Marissa’s toilet pipe and dirty water rapidly making its way to the top of the bowl, Shaka is mortified. Making matters worse, Marissa has begun rapping on the door and asking, “Is everything OK in there?” Shaka, shaking with anxiety, has mere seconds to decide whether to reach his bare hand into the filthy water in an attempt to free his Buffalo Nickels and Mercury Dimes before the bowl overflows, or try a fourth flush that will likely either exacerbate the situation or send his entire net worth into the sewer. 

Shaka could ask Marissa if she has a plunger, but unless he wants to explain to her in shame that he clogged her toilet with nine pounds of rare nickels and dimes he’s been collecting since he was a kid, she’s going to naturally assume that it was his shit that clogged the toilet. This could spoil the mood and possibly even give her the ick, ruining his chances with her completely. But if he doesn’t act fast, she’s going to see brown water and a lot of coins rolling out from under the door she’s standing right next to, and he’s going to have a lot of explaining to do. 

Ugh. This is a completely unenviable situation we wouldn’t wish on our worst coin-collecting enemies. 

Fellow coin collectors, how would you handle this absolutely cringeworthy dilemma? Would you ask for your date’s help before things get worse? Crawl out the bathroom window and block her number? Try soaking up some of the toilet water with a wad of your rare dollar bills? Let us know in the comments!