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Common success habits: The daily habits that link Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates


Common success habits: We have heard since childhood that we have to develop some habits that will make us successful in our lives but do we know about Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. Here are some habits and daily rituals that were found common in the lives of the world’s biggest billionaires namely, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates. Therefore, if you are looking for some habits to cultivated, here’s an article that will help you in your successful journey.

From innovative ideas to inspiring entrepreneurial risk taking abilities, here’s some ideas that you need to take a look at.

1. Reading and Self-education: Reading and self-education is one of the habits that has found a common mention in the lives. Billionaire Elon Musk’s relationship with books started when he used to live South Africa and read up to 10 hours a day.  Similarly, Jeff Bezos has been seen  expressing their appreciation for books many a times.

Also, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has been found consistently emphasizing the importance of reading in his personal and professional life. When asked about how he came to know so much about building rockets, Elon Musk had famously simply said, “I learned from books.”

2. Updating with AI developments: Elon Musk’s love for  Artificial Intelligence through his experiments in xAI, and its chatbot GrokAI draw need know introduction.

Talking about Bill Gates, Microsoft has had many AI ideas inclauding its popular chatbot Bing. Similarly, Jeff Bezos’ Amazon has also revealed many Gen AI models.

“There will be universal high income, not basic, in a positive AI future. No scarcity, except that which we define to be scarce. In that scenario, everyone can have whatever goods & services they want. It is less clear how we will find meaning in a world where work is optional”, Elon Musk had said in his tweet on significance of AI.

3. Recommendations for success: Bill Gates doesn’t just read for self-enhancement; he frequently recommends books to his followers too, inspiring them to embrace an unwavering commitment to learning.

Therefore, despite their differing industries and business ideas, all three business legends have some shared habits which a common individual sitting at any corner of the world can adopt to lead a successful lifestyle.