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eye Title Date Archived Creator CNBC 298 298 CNBC Reports : CNBC : August 10, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT Aug 11, 2009 08/09 by CNBC movies News/Business. The last of the day's news from Wall Street and Main Street. Topics: boone pickens, dennis, s&p, obama, dennis kneale, boone, at&t, julie, dennis, brita,... CNBC 309 309 CNBC Reports : CNBC : August 11, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT Aug 12, 2009 08/09 by CNBC movies News/Business. The last of the day's news from Wall Street and Main Street. Topics: orbitz, obama, pennsylvania, ben, julie, sestak, andy, keith boykin, washington, marsha blackburn,... CNBC 230 230 CNBC Reports : CNBC : August 12, 2009 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT Aug 13, 2009 08/09 by CNBC movies News/Business. The last of the day's news from Wall Street and Main Street. Topics: obama, nick, julie, tanya, jay thomas, s&p, dennis kneale, obama, dennis, cialis, jack, ben... CNBC 283 283 CNBC Reports : CNBC : August 14, 2009 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT Aug 15, 2009 08/09 by CNBC movies News/Business. The...