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Sunday on Monday: 2020 Book of Mormon

2020 – Book of Mormon Sunday on Monday Homepage Show Notes & Transcripts Episode 1–10 Episode 11–20 Episode 21–30 Episode 31–40 Episode 41–50 1: “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” (Dec. 30–Jan. 5) Did you know that the Book of Mormon doesn't begin with "I, Nephi?" In our first study group of 2020, Tammy and her friends Sharmaine and Tamu dig into the real beginning of the Book of Mormon — the introductory pages — and share how the entire purpose of the Book of Mormon can be found in just four simple words. More 2: “I Will Go and Do” (Jan. 6–Jan. 12) Laman and Lemuel are clearly the "bad guys" of the Book of Mormon, right? Or were they more like us than we realize? In this week’s study group, join Tammy and her friends Holly and Jalyn as they dig into 1 Nephi chapters 1–7 to discuss how Laman's and Lemuel’s murmurings aren't so different from our own and how we can strive to “go and do” like Nephi. More 3: “Come and Partake of the Fruit” (Jan. 13–Jan. 19) Have you ever had a dream so v...