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Ignorant Jane Fonda Tells Bill Maher She Has No Idea What Far Left Policies Are (VIDEO)


Good old ‘Hanoi’ Jane Fonda recently appeared on Bill Maher’s podcast and played dumb on the topic of fare left policies.

When Maher suggested that the extreme left is one of the reasons that Joe Biden lost the election, Fonda stupidly asks him ‘who is the far left?’ as if she doesn’t know. When Maher uses the example of leftists saying that men can get pregnant, she claims to have never heard anyone say this.

Maher tells her that she likely watches media that never tells her any of this, which is likely correct. Fonda is probably MSNBC’s number one fan.

The Blaze reports:

Bill Maher exposes Jane Fonda’s ignorance about extremist left-wing policies

Liberal host Bill Maher had far-left celebrity Jane Fonda on his show and spent much of his time explaining to her the existence of far-left policies that had pushed so many Americans to vote for Republicans.

Fonda blamed criticism of the far left on people like Maher but then appeared completely ignorant of the reasons for the criticism. Maher offered her some examples in the contentious interview.

“The NAACP last year issued a travel advisory,” Maher explained. “You know where they issued a travel advisory for black people not to go? Florida. Every day there’s stories like that, where that just makes people roll their eyes and go, ‘Are you people nuts?’ Even if they don’t matter that much, I don’t think one person listened to this and thought, ‘I can’t go to Florida.’ But they just suggest something to the average person.”…

“Do you really think men can get pregnant? You know, that kind of stuff. I understand that a trans [man] can get pregnant. That’s different from a man getting pregnant,” he continued. “And the way they insist on blurring that line, as if that’s some sort of reasonable social cause, as opposed to just being for having full rights, respect, and protection for trans people. We get that!”

Watch the clips below:

Jane Fonda knows exactly what the far left is. She has been a part of it for decades.

The post Ignorant Jane Fonda Tells Bill Maher She Has No Idea What Far Left Policies Are (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.