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9 Best SURF FISHING RIGS (Setup & Fishing Guide w Pictures)

PUBLISHED 03 NOVEMBER 2023by Robert CeranAre you planning to fish in the surf, but aren’t sure which surf fishing rig is best for your purposes?Surf fishing requires casting your rig out far from the beach without getting it tangled during the cast, and because of this it’s essential to use rigs that are specifically developed for surf fishing.Table of ContentsWhat are the best surf fishing rigs?Fish finder rig for surf fishingCarolina rigKnocker rigDropper loop rigDouble drop bottom rigPompano rig for surf fishingHigh low rigMullet rig for surf fishingFlapper rigIn this article I’ll show you the best surf fishing rigs, and will also cover how to fish them, and how to choose the ideal setup for your purposes.What are the best surf fishing rigs?The 9 best surf fishing rigs are:Fish finder rigCarolina rigKnocker rigHigh low rigDropper loop rigPaternoster rigPompano rigMullet rigFlapper rigWe’ll go over the strengths and weaknesses of each of these surf fishing rigs below, so you can deci...