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School spends $3 million on construction project, then cancels it


Topline: A Kentucky school district decided in 2021 to close its middle schools and build giant high schools that could accommodate students in grades 6 through 12. The controversial plan was recently nixed, but not before the district sank $3 million into the construction project, according to

Nelson County’s “Community Campuses” plan was approved by the school board in December 2021, but they changed their minds later on. Two board members who initially voted in favor, later voted against the plan in 2023 and killed the idea.

In addition to the $3 million sunk cost, Nelson County had already hired Trademark Excavating for construction and had to pay a $27,500 settlement for canceling the job, WDRB reported. The district had also paid architects to draw up blueprints for the schools.

The district has also spent $614,409 on attorney fees since 2022, according to records obtained by WDRB. Most of the money was for lawsuits related to the “Community Campuses” plan, including one filed by Amanda Deaton, who is now a member of the school board.

If Nelson County had completed the construction project, it would have been eligible for “urgent needs” funding from the state. Board member Damon Jackey estimated its value at $30 million.

Jackey also told WDRB he believes construction companies will charge the district more for future projects because of its history of backing out of deals.

Background: The lost $3 million is just part of the chaos surrounding Nelson County School District.

The school board voted to fire Superintendent Wes Bradley in March as a scapegoat for students’ low academic performance. One month later, the Kentucky Board of Education reinstated Bradley, saying there was not “competent and relevant evidence” for a single one of the six reasons the board gave for firing him.

The district is now enrolled in a “management improvement program” with the state.

Bradley only earned $70,596 in salary last year, but 42 school employees outearned him, according to data obtained by

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Summary: Maybe Nelson County’s school board members should attend their own Community Campus to relearn basic money management skills.

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This article was originally published by RCI and made available via RealClearWire.