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Pandora's Box

in:Common items, Accessories, Pages with UIsSign in to editHistoryTalk (0)Pandora's Box is a COMMON Accessory obtained from Shen's Auction.Contents1 Obtaining2 Usage2.1 Rarity2.2 List Of Challenges3 Interface4 Trivia5 HistoryObtaining[]Pandora's Box appears on Shen's Auction every SkyBlock Year, and can be bid on by players. The top 20 bidders win the item when its auction ends. A maximum of 20 can be bought each year.Usage[]Pandora's Box unlocks 20 Challenges, which can be completed while it is in the player's inventory or Accessory Bag. For every 2 challenges completed the player gets +1❤Health and +1❁Strength, up to +10 of each. Its rarity is not upgraded when Recombobulated, and can only be increased by completing challenges.Rarity[]Completed ChallengesRarity0COMMON3UNCOMMON5RARE7EPIC9LEGENDARY20MYTHICList Of Challenges[]Rarity of ChallengesNameRequirement0COMMONInteligence SeekerReach 5555 Inteligence outside of dungeons.0COMMONGhost ComboReach a combo of 75 Ghosts.0COMMONNuclei C...