Save up to 50% off Solo Stove fire pits and outdoor gear during Black Friday
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Right now, Solo Stove is having its biggest sale of the year for Black Friday — up to 50% off all fire pits, pizza ovens, camping stoves, furniture, and other backyard and outdoor gear.
During Black Friday, you can save up to $50 off our favorite fire pit, the Bonfire. In our testing, the Bonfire produced a pleasing fire with minimal smoke, and it was easy to clean. For smaller spaces and tabletops, save $32 on our pick for the best small firepit, the Mesa. It's lightweight and fires up quickly.
Items that are 50% off include the Tower Patio Heater and Campire Gear Kit. If the discounts weren't enough, Solo Stove is throwing in free gifts when you spend $250 or more and using the code MEGADEAL. For more savings on home and kitchen products, head to our guide on the best Black Friday deals.
Shop all Black Friday deals from Solo Stove.
The best Black Friday Solo Stove deals
Black Friday Solo Stove FAQs
How does a Solo Stove fire pit work?
Solo Stove's fire pits are wood-burning. You can use wood collected around your campsite or purchase them pre-packaged. Smaller pieces of wood will create less smoke. You should never use lighter fluid or gas to start a fire. However, to extinguish the fire, you'll need to wait for it to die down. Keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of an emergency.
Are Solo Stove fire pits safe?
When used as directed, Solo Stove fire pits are relatively safe. In case of an emergency, the company recommends having a fire extinguisher or water nearby to douse the fire.
Are Solo Stove fire pits easy to clean?
Yes. Because the wood turns into ash, you can easily pour it out and wipe down the fire pit.
Shopping for more discounts today? Check out our roundup of all of the best Black Friday deals.