Changing Habits
I work from home. I've been working from home since 2011. Part of my daily ritual is checking the mail.
Mostly it's just bills and such, but I still have two clients who pay by snail mail, mailing me a cheque each month. Until recently I had three such clients, but one learned the power of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Typically, I'd go for a bike ride, get home, start making lunch and check the mail. For the first couple of days of CUPW’s national strike, I found myself checking the mail. These habits are tough to break.
Then, I stopped checking the mail. I'd remember that our postal workers are on strike and there is no mail delivery. I simply removed that action from my daily routine.
It's interesting how habits are formed, and modified, in ones life. Still, I miss the mail. A couple of clients owe me money!