News in English

Quiz News!


Wednesday’s quiz had a familiar look with team T.B.M. trying to fend off an onslaught from Wizards and Enchantresses and Chancellors and Grasshoppers. In the end, however, the rational, secular, enlightened and methodical T.B.M. had to give way to the mystery and magic that weaves a spell around our reigning champions Wizard. Following a tense tiebreak between the two top teams, Wizard won through being the least disconcerted by the erratic questions of the quizmaster, and take home the weekly prize. Special mention should go to Grasshopper for a much improved performance, and to F-fifteen (who will be henceforth referred to as F-15) for a strong maiden performance. Our previous victors must have been tripping the light Teamtastic, as they suffered a severe hangover to sink back into the pack.


The overall Leaderboard shows T.B.M. with a lead over Wizard after four rounds. Enchantress, Teamtastic and The Dirty Ruckers occupy the next spots. In one sense, because there is the possibility of 4 discards, all teams are level at this stage. Let that thought keep you all warm until our next quiz on the 11th December. This is the Christmas dinner quiz, and all are welcome to join us for dining at 7.30 (quiz will start at 8.30 sharp-ish).

The Quizmaster

The post Quiz News! appeared first on National Yacht Club.