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What are you thankful for? Here's what Sun-Times readers told us


We asked readers what they're thankful for. Here’s what you said, lightly edited for clarity:

"I'm thankful that my lovely ma-in-law, 95, is doing well. She's in assisted living, healthy, happy and making more friends than she had when living alone."
—Carmie Daugird Callobre, 68, Skokie

"Life. Have been blessed with three organ transplants, four organs the last 32 years."
—Scott Schinler, Wisconsin, originally northwest suburbs

"Friends, neighbors, and my union, which has allowed me to retire with dignity."
—Ann Geocaris

"I like having a part time job and volunteering."
Terrence Camodeca, 59, Orland Park

"I am thankful for each day so far waking up on the right side of the grass."
—Steve Newberger, 76, Morton Grove

"Barry Manilow!"
—Lynda Garbutt

"I am most thankful for decent health, family and food to eat and water to drink."
—Gloria Webb

"Still being above ground."
—Peter J. Gallanis

"My dog."
—Janis Coutre-Bauer

"My health, especially after what I've experienced with my disability"
—Steve Price

"To see another holiday season."
—Nelda Bailey

"The traveling I'm doing in retirement."
—Mary Jane Tala

"Well, I'm grateful for a roof over my head and some measure of security, although I worry about all of us with the incoming orcs poised to swarm our government."
—Barbara Buchanan

"Family, friends, health, my fur babies, my job, my home and I'm also thankful that the Democrats lost the election."
—Betty Anne Clark

"My beautiful girlfriend."
—Anthony Torres