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Sharon Stone Has Had It With ‘Uneducated’ Americans

Photo: Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images

In the wake of the election, several celebrities have locked in plans to leave the U.S. for greener pastures. Among them, it seems, will be Sharon Stone. In July, Stone pledged to buy a house in Italy if Trump got elected, and she recently went on a two-minute screed against Americans who voted Trump back into office.

During a press conference at the Torino Film Festival in Italy — perhaps she was house-hunting? — Stone brought up the country’s history of fascism and said to her audience, “You have seen this before. My country is in its adolescence. Adolescence is naïve and ignorant and arrogant.” She went on to claim that “Americans who don’t travel, who 80 percent don’t have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naïveté.”

According to census data, 48 percent of Americans have passports. Stone was, however, right about one thing: She added that, as Trump heads into office, “we can’t just say that women should help women,” explaining that “this is a time we can no longer look away when bad men are bad.” I presume she will be not looking away from a villa on Lake Como?
