News in English

Greens & Facilities Report November 2024


As we enter what is going to be the first weather affected weekend for a while, let's take the opportunity to look back at the last month's activity.

Here is Matt's report:


There are two reasons at the moment why we haven't needed to use temporary greens so far this winter. Firstly, the average rainfall in the south west last October was approximately 180 mm compared to this year, which was around 60 mm. This means the greens are a lot drier at the moment.

Second, over the past seven months we have hollow cored and top dressed 5 times. This is the only way to stabilise the surfaces. So far, we have removed over 20 tonnes of thatch and spread over 100 tonnes of sand on the greens. We are on schedule to complete what I set out to do this year. We only need two more weeks of dry weather between now and Christmas to do this procedure again. To recap though, despite all that the work carried out so far is was never going to be a quick fix and we haven't been tested with heavy, consistent rainfall (yet!). But we have a plan, we have all but executed the first year of the plan, and will continue next year. Keeping you off those temporary greens for as much of the winter as possible is our mission!

General Course Conditions

Due to the mild and dry weather, the team has been able to cut all areas of the course on a weekly basis. Thank you for the many compliments of how great the course looks at the moment from members and guests alike. It is extremely satisfying to hear, and I know we are moving in the right direction.

Tree Work

Only a couple of areas remained to remove lower limbs to the desired height, and we achieved that in recent weeks. We have also removed some trees around the buggy parking area near the pro shop, re-claiming some space and letting the light in.


Between now and the end of the year, all bunkers will be re-edged, and the sand redistributed evenly.

Also, this winter, we will be overhauling several bunkers, re-shaping them and replacing old material with new sand.

Driving Range

Ahead of our fast approaching Top Tracer installation we are busy giving the place some TLC ready for the big launch!

Final Thoughts - Cheers Vince!

Vince started work here in the late 90s and has been here ever since. His commitment to the Club is something to be admired and should be applauded. Over the years he has had a number of challenges to overcome, but his positive attitude to work has kept the golf course moving forward.

Since I joined the team nearly 3 years ago Vince welcomed me with open arms and has passed on his knowledge and benefits of all of his experience. We have worked closely together since and have made steady progress in course improvements. The team is sad to see him leave, but we wish him all the success in his future ventures.
Thanks Mate!

(In case you didn't catch Catherine's recent email there is a card to sign for Vince and he'd love to see you for a farewell drink from 3pm on Wednesday 27th November in the clubhouse.)
