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Wisconsin Returns To The Battle For Justice


Just two years ago, Lady Justice returned to Wisconsin with the election of Justice Janet Protasiewicz. There have already been many improvements in the state, with the most noticeable being the demise of gerrymandering and the return of fair elections for the state legislature. However, the state is again facing the threat of the resurfacing of the right-wing kangaroo court that had plagued the state for 15 years as Justice Ann Walsh Bradley had announced her well-earned retirement.

And just like the match up in 2023, the lines couldn't be any clearer.

On the side of justice and the Constitution is Susan Crawford. Crawford is currently a circuit court judge in Dane County. Crawford comes with some pretty impressive qualifications:

Before being elected to the Dane County Circuit Court in 2018, Crawford was a partner with the Pines Bach law firm, where she worked on cases related to voting rights and represented Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin in a case that sought to expand abortion access. Prior to that, she worked as a prosecutor and as legal counsel in state government.

And from her introduction on her website, it's easy to see that Crawford would be a very welcome addition to the state supreme court:

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