News in English

In Bladesong you are both the real hero and villain of any fantasy RPG - the person who makes all the swords


Video games in general have a surplus of weapons. It's gotten to the point that if I had any freelance budget, I'd commission somebody to count them up. Just give me an approximate running total for the industry at large, so that whenever next a shiny-eyed producer regales me with the prospect of enchanted lazurite rapiers at a preview event, I can quietly ask how many enchanted lazurite rapiers we're talking about, then open my laptop and generate a scrolling image akin to those comparison pages for stars and planets - a cosmic mountain of points and pommels, with the new game's armoury forming a pixel-wide foothill in the bottom left corner. "Are there not enough enchanted lazurite rapiers," I will kindly enquire, as the producer sobs brokenly into my shoulder.

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