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Seth Meyers roasts Elon Musk for overstaying his welcome with Trump


There are already reports that Trump's new sidekick, Elon Musk, may have overstayed his welcome among the transition team — and nobody is happier about that than Seth Meyers.

In the clip above, the Late Night hosts plays a clip of Trump joking that he "can't get rid" of Musk, before making his feelings on the matter abundantly clear.

"My goal these days is to try and stay in a good mood about things, and nothing's making me feel better than the fact that Donald Trump finally got his own Donald Trump," says Meyers, before launching into a Trump impression. "Look I've tried, you can't get rid of this guy. Every time he does something crazy I think, 'Well that'll be the end of it, that has to be the breaking point,' and then no, he's still right here. And also I can't believe I'm saying it, he needs to cool it on social media. The guy posts like a f***ing maniac."