News in English

The poor parents


Radio NZ has a story about Claire and Paul. They have five children. Their eight year old, Noah, is obviously serious disturbed. He has:

  • Poisoned 24 rabbits
  • Contaminated the family’s food stores with pig swill
  • Tampered with his baby brother’s formula and bottle
  • Cut electrical wires in the family’s car
  • Sneaks out to light fires
  • Coats firewood with a chemical so it produces burning foul fumes

After the last episode, Claire smacks him once. She regrets it and apologises to him.

Claire and Paul contact the authorities for help with Noah. They work with their GP, child and youth mental health services and Oranga Tamariki. The referral to OT is because of the threat Noah poses to the other children.

Over the next two years OT focuses on investigating Claire because she once smacked Noah after he coated the firewood with a poisonous chemical!!

Read the full story about how documents went missing, and others were altered. It is truly disturbing.

The post The poor parents first appeared on Kiwiblog.