News in English

Pitching to perform at a venue

Subject heading: Request for [Act Name] to perform at [Venue name]‍Hi [Bookers first name],‍I love your Thursday funk/soul nights. Would you please consider having my funk band [Act Name] perform? We’ve just released a new single which has had promising reviews and airplay including [community, ABC/SBS, online, or commercial radio station name]. More info, music and live video clips can be found here [link to your EPK].‍If you’re good enough to book us, we’d be happy to jump on a lineup that you may be working on, or if you prefer artists to arrange their own lineups, we can put forward some other acts for your approval.‍Please let me know what you think and thanks so much for considering [Act Name].‍Cheers,Your NameMobileEmailArtist WebsiteDirect link to EPK.‍Remember:If the venue doesn’t want to book your act you can ask for feedback but don’t dwell on it. Move onto the next venue on your list or even better, approach a number of suitable venues at the same time.‍Note: Some venues wo...