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Complete Herb Farming Guide for OSRS - Herb Run Guide

What's going on guys, my name's Theoatrix and welcome to my complete Herb Farming Guide for OSRS. Herbs take 80 minutes to grow, and herb runs can be done in conjunction with allotments like Snape Grass for extra experience. There's a total of 9 herb patches across Runescape and 5 of those patches have requirements to use. 3 patches are locked behind a quest, low leveled players can easily do Priest in Peril or mid levels can do the Arm quests for the extra patches. One patch is in the Tier 2 section of the Farming Guild and the final unlock is with the Elite Morytania Diary.Disease free patches greatly increase the overall profit of herb runs. If you can, the Kourend and Kandarin Diary increases the yield, increasing your profit and xp. The Explorer's Ring and the Ardy Cloak 2 are almost essential for herb runs, with teleports very close to patches. The ectophial from Ghosts Ahoy is another useful unlock.You should always be using Ultra Compost on herb runs. This guarantees that you g...