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Thanksgiving Weather in Austin: A 5-Year Review


AUSTIN (KXAN) -- Thanksgiving in Central Texas can bring a wide range of weather. From snow to 80° heat, heavy rain to severe storms, and even freezing weather, Austin has seen it all during the last week of November. But what have the past five Thanksgivings looked like in Austin?

We researched high temperatures, low temperatures, and total precipitation between November 23 - November 28, from 2019 - 2023.

Before we look at the data, let's address temperature norms, to better understand of our climate in late November.

High Temperature: Normal high temperature between November 23 - November 28 is 68° - 69°.

Low Temperature: Normal low temperature between November 23 - November 28 is 47° - 48°.

Thanksgiving high temperatures

Two out of the past five Thanksgivings have been seasonable (2021, 2022), with two cooler than average high temperatures (2019, 2023) and one warmer than average high temperature (2020).

Thanksgiving low temperatures

Two out of the past five Thanksgivings have been cooler than average low temperatures (2020, 2023), and three warmer than average low temperatures (2019, 2021, 2022).

Thanksgiving total precipitation

Two out of the past five Thanksgivings were dry, with the most measured rainfall totaling 0.26" (2022).