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A cartoon by Nick Anderson.

Texas Tests Waters With Elementary Bible Lessons

The state of Texas is testing the waters for infusing more Biblical content in public schools under a new curriculum the State Board of Education voted on Friday.

Bluebonnet Learning is a state-developed set of teaching materials designed for K-5 grades to pass the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) test. Though using Bluebonnet is optional, schools get an additional $40 per student if they use the curriculum. This is a considerable sum when many school districts are making deep budget cuts after Governor Greg Abbott blocked school funding reform last year.

Though the curriculum is supposed to draw some of its lessons from various world religions, it has a heavy focus on Christianity and edges into full-on Bible lessons. For instance, a lesson on the Golden Rule uses Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount as the primary reference, citing the Bible as an authoritative source.

“The board’s vote represents a troubling attempt to turn public schools into Sunday schools that promote a narrow religious perspective, undermining the freedom of families to direct the religious education of their own children,” said Carisa Lopez, Texas Freedom Network Deputy Director. “Our founders understood that protecting religious liberty means preventing government from favoring any particular faith. This curriculum crosses that line by forcing Bible study on students regardless of families’ beliefs, disregarding the diverse religious traditions of Texas.”


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