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How to Negotiate on Craigslist: Get What You Want, Every Time

We’ve all tried. Most of us have failed. Here’s a simple guide on how to negotiate on Craigslist and get the price you want, every time. Warning: Rule 4 is not for everyone.Nick Saraev·Follow7 min read·Apr 5, 2020--Ah, Craigslist. One of the last free bastions of Internet anonymity. Like 4chan, it’s a walking oxymoron; you can purchase everything from prostitutes, to church chairs, to consumer electronics. This wonderful place offers a little something for everybody… especially if you’re a massive bargain hunter.Bargain hunters make your life difficult. You probably have a product that you want to buy or sell at a certain price. Like a good prospective Craigslister, you’ve done some cursory research, analyzed a few other listings, and create a post for what you think is a fair figure.Unfortunately, the people pitching you seem to think otherwise. You’re quickly barraged by a sea of emails and text messages for prices substantially lower or higher than what you think it’s worth. This di...