News in English

7 Anti-Inflammatory Tonics and How to Make Them

Smoothies and tonics with potent anti-inflammatory ingredients, including baking soda and parsley, may help relieve symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.Try one of these healthy sips packed with anti-inflammatory powerhouses like ginger, parsley, and turmeric … and feel your pain fade.If you live with an autoimmune disease, you’re well aware that food can relieve pain or make it worse. That’s because of the role food plays in fighting or aiding inflammation. “Inflammation that’s continued beyond the healthy, acute healing phase has been implicated in almost every chronic health condition and a number of autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis,” says Michelle Simon, a licensed naturopathic doctor.But the foods you put in your body can help. “Naturopathic medicine remedies, such as tonics and broths with natural, anti-inflammatory ingredients and immune-modulating agents, can help support the body’s natural healing process,” Simon add...