News in English

GBU, Code of Ethics

FILE:GBUCODE OF ETHICSThe Louisiana Code of Ethics for Louisiana Educators was approved by the Sabine Parish School Board on July 11, 1983, as follows:Code of Ethics for Louisiana EducatorsThe Code of Ethics is based upon the broad assumption that each Louisiana educator shall seek to establish an environment and educational program that will facilitate the development of the full potential of each student; that each educator shall discharge assigned responsibilities toward students, colleagues, parents and the community through standard professional practices and ethical conduct; and that the daily conduct and performance of Louisiana educators shall reflect high standards of professional commitment and preparation.PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCEIn fulfilling obligation to professional performance, the Louisiana educator:Shall, when he/she seeks, accepts, offers, or assigns a position on the basis of professional preparation and certification meet the terms of such contract, appointment, or...