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City of Austin to simplify activation process for cold weather shelters


AUSTIN (KXAN) -- The city of Austin will simplify its process for activating cold weather shelters, according to a city memo.

The city's Homeless Strategy Office (HSO) will now activate the shelters when the forecasted overnight temperatures are 35 degrees or below, which is a change from the city's "multi-tiered activation system." The city previously activated the shelters for different temperatures based on conditions.

"The new activation threshold simplifies the process for ease of understanding and allows for more frequent activations during cold weather cycles," the city said.

The memo said the city will now alert the community at least one day before the weather drops, rather than a few hours before.

"A decision to activate Cold Weather Shelters is final and will not be canceled,
even if the weather forecast improves to above threshold during the extended notification period," the city said.

Read the full memorandum provided by the city below:

The city is also planning this year to open an after-hours service meant to help those unable to register for help before the regular window closes at 8 p.m.

Those from the community who go to those shelters will receive dinners, as well as receive breakfast or snacks the morning after, the city said.

Families with children who seek shelter will also get vouchers for hotel accommodations, according to the city.