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Time-Less Al- Qur’ān Speaks to Reason

June 11, 2012 Time-Less Al- Qur'ān Speaks to Reason by Dr. Ahmad Farouk Musa, Chairman and Director, Islamic Renaissance Front It was the year 610AD when a man by the name of Muhammad received the first revelation Iqra' – Read in the name of thy Sustainer, who has created man [al-Alaq 96: 1]. And the world changed forever. He was a simple man, a young merchant with noble values and considered a moral man. He didn't possess supernatural powers but rather a sincere servant of God with the most excellent character. Wa-innaka la'ala khuluqin adzim – For behold! Thou keepest indeed to the sublime way of life. [ai-Qalam 68: 4] The Qur'an describes him as a man amongst you – rasūlun min an fusikum – and your friend – sōhibukum. But then the message was revolutionary. It spoke to the minds of the people at that time and it will continue to speak to every generation of mankind because the Qur'ān is time-less. The Qur'ān only fixes time-less laws, ethics, rights and restrictions that are univers...