Hair expert reveals scientific reason why your hair falls out more in winter & £6 Boots buy she uses for luscious locks
A HAIRCARE expert shared the reason why you may notice more shedding at this time of year.
The trichologist also revealed the budget Boots buy she uses to replenish her locks.
In her viral video, TikTok user Abbey Yung (@abbeyyung) explained the science behind hair sheeding.
She advised her followers not to “freak out” if they notice a lot of hair on their shower floor.
Abbey revealed that in certain parts of the world, November is a peak month for hair loss.
“If you live in the northern hemisphere, you should expect to see an increase in shedding in the fall,” she explained.
“This is because the percent of hairs on our head that are in an active growth phase peaks to about 90% in the spring and then declines to about 80% by late fall.”
According to the expert, this decline “goes hand in hand” with an increase in shedding.
She told her followers that this means that hair loss is “completely normal” at this time of the year.
The expert shared that she can already feel the seasonal shedding happening to her own locks.
She said that she used to “always freak out” when she noticed the amount of hair that she was losing in winter.
However, she now understands that it is perfectly normal and does what she can to take care of her hair.
In another clip, Abbey revealed her go-to buy for helping prevent hair loss.
She recommended investing in the OGX Damage Ready Coconut Miracle Oil, which is available for just £6 from Boots.
The hair expert explained that she uses the buy on the lengths and ends of her hair.
She revealed that this technique is particularly effective as this is the most fragile part of your locks.
Abbey advised her audience to seek medical attention if they notice significant hair loss lasting for over three months.
Hair loss tips
We can lose between 50 and 100 hairs a day, according to the NHS.
It is not usually something to worry about, but occasional it can be a sign of a medical concern.
These include illness, stress, cancer treatment, weight loss and iron deficiency.
The NHS advises to book an appointment with your GP to see if you can get to the cause of it.
Experts at American Academy of Dermatology Association also recommend to eat healthy, limit curling irons and only use them for special occasions.
They also recommend using a gentle shampoo, and make use of leave-in conditioners.
TikTok users shared their thoughts on the advice in the comments section.
“Thank God because I started crying yesterday,” wrote one relieved viewer.
“I always notice more shedding in September or October it seems like. It still makes me freak out,” said another follower.
“Literally just purchased a water filter and booked a trim because I had a meltdown last night. I hope to God this is why I’ve been losing a lot of hair,” commented a third person.
“Oh thank God!!! I wondered if there was such a thing as seasonal shedding. Thank you for this!!!!” said another commenter.