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Martha Stewart Is Over Hosting Thanksgiving

Photo: Nathan Congleton/Nathan Congleton/NBC via Getty Images

Once again, Martha Stewart cannot muster up the Thanksgiving spirit. Last year, after prepping 14 turkeys for her TV show, the professional host said she “gave up” Thanksgiving after a bunch of her guests got sick and canceled. (She later changed her mind). This year, she’s leaning out even further, ditching the States in favor of a Roman holiday. “We’re going to Rome,” she told People. “We decided the kids wanted to go away, the grandchildren, and so we’re all packing up and going to Rome for a few days to visit the sites.”

“We have such an itinerary,” Stewart said. “My grandchildren will get mad at me. They think they’re going on vacation for five days, but in fact, we are going to see everything. I’ve planned quite a trip.”

On the bright side, it probably is a lot harder to argue with your family members about politics while you’re on a jam-packed European sightseeing tour. Good for Martha and her 100 cookbooks. I think she’s done enough hosting for a lifetime.
