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The Secret To Destroying Mould Is Probably Already In Your Kitchen


There’s nothing worse, especially when the weather has already dipped to icy temperatures, than dealing with mould in the home. Around windows, on tiles... it’s just a nightmare and for many people, the usual hacks don’t work.

With that being said, mould does have to be addressed. Mould can lead to a plethora of health problems including asthma attacks, breathing problems and even skin rashes, according to the NHS.

Thankfully, there is an affordable and simple solution to mould that doesn’t break the bank and is probably already in your home — white vinegar.

If you don’t have it already, you can get a 4 litre jug of it for just £2.53 on Amazon.

How to use white vinegar to remove mould

The cleaning experts at Merry Maid recommend using white vinegar to get rid of mould using this method: “Spray the mould directly, fully saturating it with the vinegar, and allow the vinegar to sit for at least an hour.

“Don’t be tempted to scrub or rinse; the mould needs time to completely absorb the vinegar.”

From there, it can be simply wiped away with hot, soapy water.

However, if you want to take it one step further, the cleaning experts recommend making a scrub by adding a teaspoon of baking powder to a spray bottle, along with two cups of water and then spraying onto a surface, using a scrubbing brush to pick up the last of the debris.

Finally, add one more spray of vinegar.

Finally, they advised: “You don’t have to wait until you spot mould growth to use vinegar against it. 

“For warm, damp areas prone to mould, like the bathroom or laundry room, add vinegar to your cleaning routine to stop an infestation before it starts. Store a spray bottle of vinegar in the bathroom and mist it over the shower stall after taking a shower, or add vinegar to your mopping solution to prevent mould growth on the floor.”
