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Governor's orders raise concerns over Chinese threats


AUSTIN (KXAN) -- With executive orders from Gov. Greg Abbott coming down back-to-back, we wanted to know about indirect implications from them.

"You know, it's really interesting on the timing," said. State Rep. Gene Wu, D-Houston. "I'm not really sure of what to make of it because many of the things the governor talks about are things we've know about for years, if not decades."

"If nothing, maybe it's because the legislature is starting up and people are filing bills and maybe he's trying to make a point," he said.

The governor said in his executive order this week "The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has engaged in a worldwide harassment campaign." The order goes on to say "Texas will defend and safeguard itself and our public treasury from any potential threat, including those posed by the CCP."

Wu pointed out that Texas and China do a lot of business together.

"There are tens, if not maybe hundreds, of billions of dollars in Chinese investments in Texas," Wu said. "You go up and down the Texas coast, there's a ton of Chinese chemical plants out there."

The co-founder of Stop AAPI Hate, Cynthia Choi, said that Abbott is up to his "same old antics."

Choi's organization works to end racism and discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

"Really policies like this and rhetoric really contributes to an environment where Asian Americans are viewed with suspicion," Choi said.

KXAN requested an interview with the Abbott on the timing of these orders and worries from groups like Choi's. His press office referred to his orders for any "official" statement.