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Kansas school receiving backlash over new restrooms for Pre-K


PRATT, Kan. (KSNW) — New school restrooms for preschoolers are creating backlash over what some parents say is a lack of privacy for their children.

Christina and Kyle Howell have two children who attend Southwest Elementary in Pratt.

"We actually experienced it with our son. He does have anxiety already, and we noticed when school started, he wasn't going to sleep very well," Christina Howel, a mom of two.

The bathrooms have a boy's side and a girl's side. As you come around the sinks, there are three toilets with short dividers.

The superintendent says it was designed this way intentionally.

"Probably 70% of our kids at this stage still have some personal care needs to help them out, and you just wanna being in a place where you're snapping buttons and pulling up pants, you're right there," Superintendent Tony Helfrich.

Parents who don't like the new design, like the Howells, say they are speaking up for their children.

"These children don't always have a voice. It is our job as parents to advocate for them, and I feel like we should be able to have an open conversation with our school systems," said Howell.

The superintendent says teachers gave input on the open layout of the bathroom and supported the plan.

Christina Howell created an online petition to change the bathrooms. Over 1,000 people have signed it so far. For now, the superintendent says there are no plans to change the layout.