News in English

Robert F. Kennedy is a crackpot, but CDC’s incompetence cost American lives


Hopefully, RF Kennedy won’t destroy the National Institutes of Health (NIH) but the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) needs a serious shakeup.  Their incompetence hid just how widespread the pandemic was in its early days, and earlier mobilization would certainly have saved lives.

Let me explain and revisit some early history of the pandemic.  I had a front row seat because I was reading the South China Morning Post daily, not because I’m so smart but because my son, his wife and two kids were living in Hong Kong in 2019 at the start the pandemic.  I was worried about what Xi would do after the massive protests there in March 2019, so I read the SCMP daily. st i

You can read the following post of 27 Jan 2020 after the *** at the end, but the gist is that the SCMP published a story a few days earlier quoting Gabriel Leung dean of the Hong Kong University  faculty of medicine stating that the virus was in 29/31 Chinese provinces.  This meant that there was no way that virus would be restricted to China.

Presumably our vaunted intelligence services were reading it as well, and did nothing with this freely available information (as far as I can tell).

But the real disaster was the CDC.  They wouldn’t let private labs develop their own tests for the virus for the first few months of 2020.  Everything had to be done in house by the CDC, which was very slow so very few were done.  So we were flying blind in those first few months to find out how much virus was in the country.  It took the pile up of deaths to show us how bad things were You can read a GAO report ( or a law school review, which says much the same thing in many more words (

Some mistakes were almost funny reminiscent of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner as we focused on people entering the states from Asia, when in fact most cases came to us from Europe

I hope Kennedy finds  the people who were responsible for the testing debacle at CDC and fires them.


What to do about the Wuhan flu

This was published 27 Jan ’20.  Nothing has been altered (other than this).

What to do about the Wuhan flu?  The short answer is to lay in a month or two of dried food and drink, and have plenty of bottled water around.

The long answer depends on whether the new corona virus (called 2019-nCOV) becomes a pandemic and if the (symptomatic) case fatality rate continues at 3.5% (based on 80 deaths in 2,800 cases as of yesterday).

With a son, Chinese daughter in law and two grandchildren living in Hong Kong, I’ve followed the outbreak ever since hearing of it 1 January.

The best and most current source of info about the outbreak is the South China Morning Post —  It is in English and is not a government mouth piece.

Here’s the bad news

(1) As of a few days ago the virus had been found in 29/31 Chinese provinces.  This means that confining the virus to China is nearly impossible — how do you cut off a billion or so people from the rest of the world?

(2) Here’s more from today

  • Hong Kong University  faculty of medicine dean Gabriel Leung says research shows self-sustaining human-to-human transmission is already happening in all major mainland cities.   Here’s a link
  •  Why is this significant?  You have to know how docs operate.  When I wanted information about some issue or disease, I’d call a doc whose opinion and background I respected.  It is likely that Leung made this statement after calling med school deans he personally knew in major mainland cities.

(3) There is no treatment, in the sense of stopping the virus in its tracks.  All we have is supportive care, oxygen rest, medication for fever, bronchodilators.  This is true for the vast majority of viruses.  Remember the joke that modern medical science can cure a cold in 14 days, but otherwise it takes two weeks.

(4) We know that you don’t have to be clinically ill to transmit the disease.  Screening new arrivals for fever is well and good but that won’t totally prevent spread.

(5) Some individuals are what is called ‘superspreaders’ — one individual infected 15 hospital personnel.

(6) I wouldn’t hope for a specific treatment any time soon — look how long it took to get any treatment for AIDS, despite the huge amount of resources devoted to it.

Here is some good news. It is quite possible that there are many more cases out there with people who were either asymptomatic or  just mildly ill.  The classic example is polio, in which for every case with paralysis there were 99 cases with mild GI illness or nothing at all.

This will need to wait until we can test people for antibodies to 2019-nCOV to find out how many people have had it.  This is probably at least a month away

Vaccines (if they can be made) are even more months away.  We’ll just have to hunker down and hope for the best.

Why lay in dried food ?– in a pandemic people will panic and clear out all food they can get their hands on.  There were pictures of empty bins in a Wuhan food market last week.

People are getting serious about it.  From Reuters -“U.S. President Donald Trump offered China whatever help it needed on Monday”.  It would be nice to have some of our people from the Center for Disease Control over there. Hopefully the Chinese won’t be too proud to accept the offer.

Addendum 28 Jan — apparently the US (in the form of the CDC) is begging China to let them help out — sad — why should they have to beg?  Apparently the first overture was 3 weeks ago ! ! ! ! —