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LPSS district optimization: Here are the results of tonight's meeting


LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) -- Tonight the Lafayette Parish School Board is considering the final recommendations for district optimization, a decision that has the potential of shuttering multiple schools.

LPSS hired Civic Solutions Group, or CSG, to ensure the school board uses taxpayer money effectively. Since early summer, CSG has been working on recommendations.

In its final recommendation, the strategic planning firm recommended the closure of Duson Elementary, S.J. Montgomery Elementary, Katharine Drexel Elementary, Acadian Middle, Lafayette Middle and Comeaux High School.

Here is what the school board decided:

Duson Elementary - This school will stay OPEN

Results continue below this video.

S.J. Montgomery Elementary - This school will be CLOSED

Katharine Drexel Elementary - This school will be CLOSED and repurposed as a Pre-K facility

Lafayette Middle - Lafayette Middle will become Lafayette Elementary. Students at Lafayette Middle will be rezoned to other district schools.

Acadian Middle - Waiting on vote

Comeaux High School - This school will stay OPEN

This report will be updated as information becomes available.

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