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Four Design Principles to Live By

Maintaining your creativity when designing content can be a challenge. Luckily, there are four major design principles that can help guide your ideas. These principles are contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Understanding the role each can play in the design process can help keep your ideas fresh.Contrast The first principle, contrast, is all about how differences matter. This refers to having parts of your designs stick out from the rest to highlight their importance. Contrast can be achieved in several ways. For example, if you are creating a webpage for a client, some of the text can be a different size, color, font, or shape. By editing the text in several ways, you are emphasizing the importance of different areas of the page. Even subtle contrasts can draw more attention to certain elements of your work.RepetitionRepetition, repetition, repetition. This refers to the value of repeating key details in your design. In the same way that adding contrast can highlight the...