Navarro: Gaetz Allegedly Slept With Young Girls Who Needed A Nanny
CNN contributor Anna Navarro took apart Donald Trump's ludicrous pick to be the next Attorney General by describing a little recent history that involved a former president and his nominations.
Lest we forget Nannygate?
Nannygate, anyone, anyone?
NAVARRO: Remember, let me-let me just say this. I remember...You and I are old enough to remember when Bill Clinton had two Attorney General nominees, Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood, who were eliminated, who had to withdraw because they had employed illegal nannies.
Matt Gaetz is accused of sleeping with a girl who's almost young enough to need a nanny.
And Republicans are saying there's nothing to see here.
What's a little statutory rape among Trump cabinet nominees?
We are way past using the word hypocrisy to describe Republican actions and Donald Trump.
Would a Trump cabinet nominee get through the nomination process even with an actual statutory rape conviction on their record?
I'm sure people at Fox News would say Trump's pick has served their time under the law, so now they are qualified.
Am I right, or am I right?