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Registration FAQs

What is the ICO?What is the data protection fee?I've received a letter about the data protection fee. Why did you write to me?How do I know if I need to pay the data protection fee and register with the ICO?Which sorts of companies are likely to need to pay?What do I get for paying the fee?How is the money from fees used?What happens if I avoid paying the fee?How much is the fine if the ICO discovers that my data protection fee payment is overdue?When is my fee due?How much does it cost?How do I pay?If I set up a Direct Debit, do I need to pay this year’s data protection fee by another method? Our bank details have changed. How do we update our Direct Debit?I paid online - where is my receipt?I think I've paid twice - what should I do?I have a number of organisations with the same information – how should I pay the data protection fee?I have a limited company with numerous practices – do I need to pay a fee for each location?Can an agency pay the data protection fee on my behalf?How ca...