News in English

Eric Hovde Offers A Non-Concession Concession


Eric Hovde, the carpetbagger California banker with a pornstache, has finally almost conceded the race to Senator Tammy Baldwin.

He posted a six-minute video on Xitter which was about five minutes and 55 seconds of regurgitating The Big Lie, lying about his own campaign, lots of whining and more lying.
He started with a sir story about all the people that allegedly wanted him to challenge the results because of all the Big Lie baseless allegations:

"I have heard from numerous supporters urging me to challenge the election results. However, without a detailed review of all the ballots and their legitimacy, which will be difficult to obtain in the courts, a request for a recount would serve no purpose, because you will just be recounting the same ballots, regardless of their integrity," Hovde said in the six-minute video. "As a result, and my desire to not add to political strife through a contentious recount, I've decided to concede the election."

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