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Pokémon reveals how to grab shiny Rayquaza and it’s easier than expected


POKÉMON recently told fans that there would be an opportunity to grab shiny Rayquaza in Scarlet and Violet.

Only a few details were shared about the December event, save that the rare legendary would appear in raids.

The Pokemon Company
Scarlet and Violet are currently holding Torterra raids[/caption]
The Pokémon Company
Usually the raids feature starter Pokemon[/caption]
The Pokémon Company / YouTube
But legendary raids are usually much more difficult[/caption]

We knew that shiny Rayquaza would be available in a Tera Raid Battle event from December 20, 2024, until January 6, 2025.

But it was suspected that it would be a very difficult seven-star raid similar to the Mewtwo raids from last year.

However, The Pokémon Company has now revealed that the shiny Rayquaza raids will only be five-star raids.

These are much simpler raids that most people will be able to take on solo, compared to the Mewtwo raid, which required four experienced players to take down.

Shiny Rayquaza will have the Dragon Tera type, boosting up the power of its Dragon-type moves.

In the run-up to the raid, there will be a number of outbreaks and other Tera raid events to help people take down the rare legendary.

Outbreaks taking place while Rayquaza’s raid is live include Cetoddle in Paldea, Carbink in Kitakami and Fraxure in the Blueberry Academy.

These outbreaks will also have an increased shiny chance, so it’s a great chance to grab a rare ‘mon.

Other five-star raids will also run right up until the Rayquaza raid goes live.

You can battle Corviknight and Bellibolt from November 29 to December 5, which is when Tinkatink outbreaks will be available in Paldea.

Azumarill and Clodsire will be in raids from December 6 to December 12, when Wooper will be available in outbreaks in Kitakami.

Finally, Annihilape and Kingambit will become available from December 13 to December 19, and you can catch Girafarig in outbreaks at Blueberry Academy.

During this entire period, you can tackle Chansey in five-star raids from November 29 to January 5, to get candy to level up your Pokémon.

Legendary Raid

It’s very rare for legendary Pokémon to appear in raids, and it’s the first time that one is available at such a low level.

Shiny Rayquaza is only available to catch in much older games, and you can’t get one on the Switch without transferring it through Pokémon Home.

This is the perfect chance to grab one of fans’ favourite shiny ‘mons.
If you want to read more about Pokémon, check out how to get a shiny Pelipper in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

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