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NOTICE: UNVERIFIED WIKI PAGECompiling Shadow Wisdom is continuous, but archivists are not omniscient. Shadow Garden encyclopedists have marked this page as potentially containing inaccurate or misleading information. We will dispatch researchers to verify the content as quickly as possible. Please be advised that a complete rework is conceivable.Thank You For Your PatienceMainChronologyImage GalleryContents1 Shadow Garden1.1 Cid Kagenou / Shadow1.2 Seven Shadows1.2.1 Beta1.2.2 Gamma1.2.3 Delta1.2.4 Epsilon1.2.5 Zeta1.2.6 Eta1.3 Numbers1.3.1 Rose Oriana / "666"1.3.2 6641.3.3 6651.3.4 Chi1.3.5 Victoria / "559"1.4 Associates1.4.1 Yukime2 Other2.1 Iris Midgar2.2 Alexia Midgar2.3 Akane Nishino2.4 Claire Kagenou3 ReferencesShadow Garden[]Cid Kagenou / Shadow[]Alpha is the highest-ranking member of Shadow Garden only below Cid, and thus she can be considered his right hand and the person closest to him. This has given her the privilege of dealing with Cid as an equal, being the only one that...