News in English

CNN Host Rips Ryan Walters' Quest To Turn Schools Into Bible Study Classes


Evangelical quack Ryan Walters got a taste of reality from CNN's Pamela Brown, who exposed his ludicrous plans to put a Trump Bible in every classroom while Oklahoma is ranked 48th out of 50 in education in the country.

Brown had to constantly correct his lies about the Founding Fathers and his attacks against the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law.

During the entire interview, Walters claimed those who brought the lawsuits against his extreme religious agenda to public schools demand radical gender pornography be taught in schools. Lying seems to be inbred in these MAGA cultists.

"We have to get back to teaching American exceptionalism, American values, where those things came from" Walters whined.

The Bible doesn't mention America once, but I digress. Walters, like every evangelical political operative tried to paint the Founders basing the Constitution on Christianity. He took a swipe at CNN to do so.

WALTERS: Look, in a world history class, you can absolutely talk about those, but let's be clear, in American history, the Bible played a unique role in shaping this history, and you said no religion. Thomas Jefferson said our rights came from God, and again, look, maybe we all need to go back and study some of this, especially on CNN to understand the --

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