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A**hole Drops The N-Word While Testifying Against MI Capitol Gun Ban


Avi Rashlin, who said he was representing the far-right extremist group "Groypers for America," who typically follow whiny Nazi bitch Nick Fuentes, disrupted a Michigan Senate committee hearing Thursday on whether guns should be permanently banned from the state Capitol building by dropping the n-word while claiming the legislation is "anti-white."

The Detroit News reports:

Rachlin opened his remarks by contending that Democrats' efforts to push the gun prohibition for the state Capitol and House and Senate office buildings went against the "will of the people," who had voted on Nov. 5 to elect Republican Donald Trump as president and give back control of the state House to the GOP.

"This is legislation that targets White people," Rachlin said. "It is racial because the people who carry in the Capitol are primarily White people ..., and this is retaliation for the only demographic that overwhelmingly voted to support Donald Trump."

Rachlin then said lawmakers should focus on people who shoot others in places like Detroit. He noted that the committee's chairwoman, Sen. Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit, represents a portion of the city. Rachlin then said the individuals are "overwhelmingly 13 to 34 year old Sub-Saharan African n------."

That's when Chang hit her gavel because, holy shit.

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